[AJAX Magazine] OpenGoo, Open Source ExtJs-Based Web Office

[AJAX Magazine] OpenGoo, Open Source ExtJs-Based Web Office: "
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OpenGoo is an Open Source initiative to create a complete web Office which focus on improving productivity, collaboration, communication and management of your teams. OpenGoo support text documents, presentations, task list, emails, calendars, web links and contacts; Spreadsheets support is coming soon in future releases. OpenGoo interface is based on ExtJS, but I don't find it much user friendly compared to Google Documents, or Zoho, but it's already a great start for an open source project !


OpenGoo requires PHP 5.2+, MySQL 4.1+ with InnoDB support, and Apache 2.0+. The project rely on many other open source libraries in addition to ExtJS - including ActiveCollab, Reece Calendar, Swift Mailer, Open Flash Chart, Slimey, FCKEditor, JSSoundKit, and PEAR. Released under the Affero GPL 3 license.

You can try their online demo, but if you downloaded the package don't try to find an application launcher, Please ! Via Matt Asay, CNET, Alfresco.

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